We are very sorry that you received a damaged or wrong item for your order. Please visit our Returns & Exchange Center to resolve this issue and simply follow the steps below:
- Enter your order number and email address.
- Follow the instructions to complete the replacement request.
- Drop off the wrong or damaged item with the carrier within 14 days of creating your replacement request.
- We’ll send you an email once we receive your package and your replacement order is processed.
- You won't be charged a return shipping fee.
- Replacement items can only be selected for the same or different size of the originally ordered item.
- Address changes can’t be made on your replacement request.
- Replacement orders can’t be canceled once dropped off with the return shipping carrier.
- Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery.
- If the item you wish to replace is not available, we kindly ask that you select the "Return" option with the 'Wrong Item' or 'Item Defective' reason code and return the item for a full refund. You will not be charged the return shipping fee.
Returns and Exchange Center:
Exchange or Replace Process: