If your order tracking shows as delivered, but you have not received your package, follow these steps:
Wait for 72 Calendar Hours:
- If it's been less than 72 calendar hours from the delivery notice, we recommend waiting until that time has elapsed to ensure there wasn't a delivery issue with our carriers.
Check Possible Delivery Areas:
- Ensure you've thoroughly checked all areas where the package could have been delivered. Consult with neighbors, family, roommates, or anyone else who may have access to the delivery.
Submit a Lost Item Claim:
- If it has been over 72 hours since the delivery notice and you still haven't received your package, please submit a lost order claim here. Your claim will be investigated and we will notify you by email in 3-5 business days once your claim has been processed.
- To prevent lost packages in the future, consider the following options:
- Lost order claims are only accepted up to 30 days after delivery date. If it has passed 30 days since delivery, please contact the carrier directly.
Levi's reserves the right to limit or refuse service to customers who show high volumes of claim activity. Customers who fall within specific criteria not defined by ourselves will be subject to a modified refund policy, refunds to store/website credit only, refusal of orders, and/or disqualification or pause of our loyalty program benefits.